Get strategies for building your confidence when restarting your career! In this session, Path Forward’s founding executive director Tami Forman is joined by Parents Pivot’s Anna McKay, Elpha’s Mary Jantsch, and WB Games’ Jackie Bunda to help you discover how to boost and communicate your self-confidence and find success on your job search journey.


  • You can view and download the slides used in this session here.

About the Presenters

Thank you to our presenters for joining us to provide advice on confidence-building!

Anna McKay
Founder @Parents Pivot
Anna McKay is the founder of Parents Pivot and a sought-after return-to-work and leadership development coach. She’s dedicated to helping women find confidence in careers they love.

Mary Jantsch
Head of Talent and Partner Success @Elpha
Mary Jantsch is the head of talent and partner success at Elpha, a professional network of 50,000 women succeeding at work together.

Jackie Bunda
Senior Manager @WB Games
Jackie Bunda is a senior manager at WB Games where she recently completed a marketing returnship. She offers real-world advice about the role confidence played in her own return-to-work journey following a five-year career break for caregiving.